Our goal is to help you activate pathways that lead to better health, vitality, longevity, vibrance. IV therapy is the most efficient way to supply your cells vitamins and minerals.

d e t o x

It all comes down to supporting your liver. Feeling fatigue, brain fog, hitting a weight loss plateau, and even symptoms of depression and anxiety could mean your body is over run with toxins. We encounter more toxic elements today than ever before in history. When stress, alcohol, medications, heavy metals, and pesticides are in the mix, we need to make detoxing part of our lifestyle.

Our detox IV uses Phosphatidylcholine and Glutathione. Phosphatidylcholine is the chief molecule that forms the protective barrier around your cell and mitochondrial membranes. Toxins that are most dangerous are usually fat soluble and get trapped in unhealthy cell membranes and fat deposits where they will remain until something dislodges them. PC reinforces the cell wall so that toxins can safely and logistically leave the cell where Glutathione is present waiting to neutralize them into inert substances to be flushed out through bile, urine and sweat. Combine with infrared sauna therapy to accomplish all 3 phases of detox.


s t r e s s r e l i e f

Protects your cells from the toxic effects of stress. Excessive worry and burnout can cause the adrenals to drastically reduce the production of cortisol causing, mental fog, anxiety, depression, and fatigue.

B-complex and Biotin play key roles in the formation and breakdown of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. Glycine and Taurine are integral in maintaining calm and focus. Magnesium may also be added for extra anxiolytic support.


a l p h a - l i p o i c - a c i d

Protects and supports generation of new liver cells, improves insulin sensitivity, fights systemic inflammation, supports cognition, reduces, brain fog, supports weight loss.

ALA is critical to mitochondrial health and the conversion of glucose into ATP. It is also essential for breaking down amino acids in order to create new cells and replace old cells. Without ALA, cells can build up and drastically speed up the aging process. Clinical research has shown ALA may have the ability to slow or stop cancer cell growth as well as prevent dementia and cognitive decline.


h a n g o v e r

A hangover is simply what happens as a result of ingesting ethanol, a toxic chemical, that causes diuresis leading to dehydration.

One full liter of fluid +electrolytes with Toradol, a powerful anti-inflammatory and pain-reliever, plus Zofran to wipe out nausea. This treatment will flush out toxins, rehydrate your body, and erase discomfort.


g l u t a t h i o n e

Glowing Skin, Detoxification

Glutathione is a tripeptide composed of glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid. It is a super detoxifying agent, is involved in DNA synthesis and repair, immune system function. Its antioxidant properties protect cells against free radical, and also gives the skin a head-turning glow. Make Glutathione a weekly addition to your wellness regimen for a major payoff. Our cocktail consists of 500 ml of pure hydration fluid followed by 500-1000mg of Glutathione delivered via IV push.


m y e r s - c o c k t a i l

The Original

The Myers Cocktail has been used for decades. Patients consistently report a feeling of wellbeing and improved quality of life. Our blend includes 6 different B vitamins covering the groundwork for amino acid formation and metabolic pathways. Selenium and vitamin C work to aid against infections, while Magnesium gives a sense of calm and cognitive function. Studies show strong evidence for improved quality of life, energy and a decrease in symptoms of depression.


i m m u n i t y

An infusion that makes you feel better instantly. A perfectly blended combination of 10 vital immunity enhancers.

Magnesium Chloride, Calcium Chloride, Selenium, Pyridoxine, Dexpanthenol, Hydroxocobalamin (B12), B-Complex, Acetylcysteine, Vitamin C, + Glutathione. This blend is ultra protective against the host of pathogens coming our way. The Immunity Blend has a base similar to a Myers Cocktail + Selenium, Acetylcysteine, and Glutathione for a trifecta of additional superior support.


[Prices may vary with personalization]